
About Me and My Dream

Hello, my name is Joannah (Jo-âh-nâh), and I am 14 years old, the oldest daughter of 8 children. My family will be going down to Peru in a year, and plan on being  there a minimum of a couple years. By that time, I will be around 17 or 18 years old when we come back to the states. When I am 18, I plan on going to YWAM in Perth, Down Under (Australia), to attend the BAS (Birth Attendant School). Here is a link to the school http://ywamperth.org.au/bas/. Sarah, the oldest daughter of the missionaries our family are going to help, and a friend that she went to BAS with, will be director/teachers of the school, until 2016.  The school is 48 weeks long, with an outreach in third world countries providing basic health care, prenatal, birth and postnatal care.
I have always wanted to help people all my life. When I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a doctor and a vet, then after we started raising animals, just a vet. Then when Sarah came and visited us one year, she was sharing with some friends in our home. She showed a video about the training and outreach. While watching a video about the average day of a midwife, how they cared for babies, and pray for them. I felt God move in my heart, that He was placing a calling on my life to be a midwife. Not long after that, I tried to hid from being a midwife because seeing blood makes me squimish. One night in family devotions, dad was reading about Loren & Darlene Cunningham, founders of YWAM. In one of the chapers, Darlene talked about how she was hiding from God, and the calling He put on her life as a young girl. I was convicted about hiding too, and my dad "just happened" to say something to me about my calling. Now, I don't want to run any more, I know what I am called to be.
  Soooo....... I am preparing now for what I can do to be ready at 17-18 for BAS. I am working to save money, studying, and talking to Sarah, so when it is time for me to go I will have a the knowledge, finances and friends to be successful in my calling. Will you join me? I am looking for a team now, who will pray, encourage and possibly support financially, so when I am ready to go, I will have the support base I need to complete the task. 

      I'm looking forward to hearing from you

    ~ Joannah

To know more about what my family is doing in Peru, visit:
Zimmerman's To Peru 2012


  1. I will, I am going to keep EVERY ONE UPDATED!!!!! I hope every one will be as Happy (for the lace of a better word) as you.


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