

WOW, I'm finally sixteen! (I don't feel different just in case your wondering. ;) )  (I'm really starting to doubt the thing of felling older till your like half way through the year. :))  Well, what have I been up to?  Watching kids, cooking meals (I'm getting good at finding dinner by myself. ;)), I've been working on trying to write for my different stories, but the other day I realized that I hadn't posted thing for my birthday, (I had planned a highjack from my best friend, but she forgot and I went to her house for my birthday (It was a surprise party of their family and mine.  (Not to many people and were very close, like a second family.)))

Well the other day I grabbed Emily, and got her outside with some music and the camera to get some fresh pictures of me. :D  (She got some goofy ones of me, and I got some good ones of her, all together had fun, saying random movie quotes, singing to the music, and talking about how silly were!)


(Emily told me to look sad so I over did it like she does so much. Hehehe. :D)