Traveling has caught a bit of my heart. The feeling of seeing new trees, hills and mountains. Of seeing the sun kiss a new horizon, seeing stars that no one could see from the big city's filled with people. You make new friends, see people who's stories and struggles you know nothing about. Do it now, because you won't ever have now back.
best friends
These are my siblings!
Both younger then me, but taller!
I love them like crazy no matter our differences or fights.
They are the biological best friends of my life,
and wouldn't live with out them!
This is my unbiological sister and best friend!
Despite the two year difference in our age, we get along amazingly.
So many times I've wished I had a big sister,
and wished that if anyone could be it would be her!
morning light
I love morning sunlight, and this is three pictures from three different mornings and the sunlight on each.
Being you!
(Please note the burn in the picture was an accident, and not from self harm.)
Being you is a gift! Tall or short, thin or thick, strong or weak. Your hair, eyes, skin, lips, nose, and even eye brows were made to in the image of God and express you to the fullest. One day you'll find you were made exactly how you are to do something that no one else could do! (Maybe even save/change the world!)
Adventure is something I think we all want secretly. But think we have to go some where to get it. I think we often forget that adventure is all around us, it's how we view life though that lets us choose if we go on those adventures.
Life is an adventure, adventure in the little things.
Sometimes you just have to try a new thing,
to fine the adventure out of everyday life!
Morning light
Morning sunlight sometimes seems to change everything,
As night horrors fade, the blessing of light comes through.
And we have peace knowing that we are not alone.
The Last Written Post
Fall for me is a time to be nostalgic and find old favorite books, or reopen your journal that at the beginning of the year you promised to write more in.
I found one journal (of a few) that I once pass every week to a friend to share about what we had done that week. I look at the last few times I had written in it, and found it had been two years since I had written in it, and even longer since I had given it to my friend.
I started to write in it for old time sake, and then realized it needed to be my blog post!
I don't know if I'm just nostalgic or what, but I still keep this book on my shelf. I looked at my last two intros, horrible spelling, (my hand writing still sucks though). I'm laughing at the fact that my last two intros were 3-23-12 and 12-29-11! So much time has passed since the old days!
It hit me the other day that in like three and half months I'm going to be seventeen! It feels so wrong, like I've just gotten comfortable in sixteen and I have to change skin again! But hey three and half months is kinda a long time, I mean its one fourth of the year, sixteen weeks (please laugh that the irony of leaving sixteen in sixteen weeks), and that's hundred and twelve days.
It sounds a little longer till I have to change. But the more I think about it it's really not that long, the days keep whipping by, dragging the weeks with them. I barley remember October, and half of November is already gone!
Is this what growing up is like? Is being an adult full of just trying to remembered what happened the other day?
I've always avoided having a bucket list like tons of other teens, a bucket list that I won't ever come close to finishing. I've slowly realized having goals and a time set lets you have something to press to and is good. But in the end life boils down to enjoying the simple things, and the quite moments.
So for now I'm going to quite blogging (Not that I was that much of a blogger, but less good at it!) I'm going to leave the blog up, let the last scheduled posts run through, and go enjoy some simple moments. And maybe one day I'll come back, brush the blog off, and have something more to say on life, and the adventures of growing up.
But till that fateful day happens, a little advice
WRITE down your goals
GO outside
ENJOY simple things
SMILE at a stranger
LOOK for adventure
EAT your veggies
SEE your own beauty
WANT less
GIVE more
WORK hard
FIND your sense of humor
DRINK more water
CREATE something
MAKE a new friend
Thank you to all of you that have read this wreck of a blog.
Love you all in Christ
Joannah Zimmerman
(Heres a picture of that advice so you can make it a wall pager or something! :D)
(I've wanted to delete this blog so many times for the three something years I've had it, and I want to thank Johanna (my best friend/sister) for inspiring me so much to keep going! The blog would never have happened with out her, and I would have deleted it so many times! I've matured so much because of her, and I'm so happy I know that amazing, talented, skilled, sweet woman, with so many amazing ideas for Gods glory!)
Roll Model
Your a roll model. That's just a fact of life. Whether it's to your sibling(s), your best friend or their sibling(s), to the kid on your street who thinks you act cool, or the little at church that you see once a week and don't even know their name, or those younger kids who saw you maybe once that one weekend at drama camp and thought you were amazing or just very kind! Maybe your colleague at work, or your clients who realized they've been hard to work with but you were easy to work with the whole time and finally got whatever it was done. Your a roll model with the way you behave, and others will follow the example you've made.
I don't know why, but roads have a place in my heart. It be because I traveled and moved so much as a kid, or because I'm made to travel and go places. I might never know but I love traveling and I don't think that will ever change.
Painting is fun but sometimes looking at the unstirred paint I funner! Also it looks so much cooler in black and white!
Fall is coming
On the left is my desk filled with books to read, school, and articles to write! On the right is my window with morning light and a still fan. It's a cool fall morning, and I can't wait to see more of The Lord today!
Living Life
Books are full of stories that make us dream and hope! School is something that everyone needs to make a informed choices! Work is something everyone has to do to respect what they/others have. Failing is something everyone has to do to know what it's like to fly! Living is what you do to learn what it's like to make, destroy, and rebuild relationships. You have to do a little of everything to know what it's like to live, and live well!
talking about:
Life is Learning
I'm not even out of the house yet and I already miss these moments. Watching the the baby learning to walk, she's starting to let go of things and stand for a couple second, the toddler (Rosie!) taking turns hugging her to death and/or taking everything away from her. Rosie still playing with new fly swatters (maybe being kind enough to share with the baby. ;) ) and her still try to be the baby and big sister. The boys in the morning waking out of their room with out shirts on, and laying around the living room stead of doing their chores. While Suzie Q lays in bed her only motivation to get out of it food. Jonathan either the first up or the last, either the grump or the sunshine. Emily nearly always the last up, always tired, and nearly always feeling bad. Morning events are always interesting!
Thing about taking a selfies at the table (the above and below pictures) is that your sure
to get photo bombed or other people in the picture!
Life is an Art
Life is full of art, it just depends on what type if art it is! Whether cultivating plants and relationships, drawing and painting, writing stories, organizing and cleaning, or just gaining and sharing knowledge with the amazing people you know. It's all an art, just do it to the best you can, and learn most about that/those art(s)! (I've been finding out more and more what I do and don't know.) One key to life is being able to say I don't know this, but that person does, and they do a wonderful job with it!!Life is full of art, it just depends on what type if art it is! Whether cultivating plants and relationships, drawing and painting, writing stories, organizing and cleaning, or just gaining and sharing knowledge with the amazing people you know. It's all an art, just do it to the best you can, and learn most about that/those art(s)! (I've been finding out more and more what I do and don't know.) One key to life is being able to say I don't know this, but that person does, and they do a wonderful job with it!!
Sunday mornings are crazy! Making breakfast, (actually eating breakfast!), clean up chores, dressing seven younger kids (making sure they ALL have SHOES!), keeping kids clean while you get dressed, and in the end going to church without shoes yourself along with unbridled and unbrushed oily hair. (That's not counting the fact that I broke a glass, and had to clean up a lot of smoothie. And couldn't find appropriate and comfortable clothes.) Life is crazy and some how I love it like crazy too!
My feet on a Sunday afternoon after doing chores barefoot. Covered in thick skin, callouses, and scars. Grass seeds, parts of the earth, fresh and dead grass, and lots of rain. Life is made for running!
When I look for color
When I say forest green, I mean looking at a forest and seeing all the different trees and the slightly different shades of green on their leaves.
When I say dark blue, I mean the color of the sky opposite of the sun when it's setting.
When I look for yellow and orange, I look at the colors of the sunlight on the clouds when the sun is rising.
When I say pink, I mean the pale pink butter cups that open up for the suns first kiss in the morning.
For purple I look at the evening violets, and their small little pelts.
When I say red, I mean just a shade darker then blood red.
When I say white I mean the white of the clouds on sunny days and blue sky.
I look for black in city sky, where the city lights drowned the starlight.
Nice Summer Mornings
Breathing in the warm slightly heavy air, covered with the scent of fresh rain. A light cool breeze blows my skirt against my ankles, and slowly moves the clouds up above creating beautiful mix of sunlight and clouds, as the sun started coming up over the tress. The grass at a slight sheen from the dew that had fallen on it early that morning, and the rose bushes had differing shades of color of the different roses.
Summer days
So summer is finally here in Texas. We've been having a lot of cloud coverage, but still humid and hot.
School got out this week, but I'll be doing some catching up in school because I got behind when we moved. Other then school and being able to go the pool and get a little sun burned, I really haven't been doing much. (Other then writing for Grafted, which has been super fun!)
Two different views of our growing garden.
Looking out of the green house.
School got out this week, but I'll be doing some catching up in school because I got behind when we moved. Other then school and being able to go the pool and get a little sun burned, I really haven't been doing much. (Other then writing for Grafted, which has been super fun!)

Two different views of our growing garden.
Looking out of the green house.
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