I'm finally finished with perspectives. After fifteen weeks of studying, going to class and fighting from getting sick, perspectives is over. So now for a little break (or as much of one I can get).
So for what I'm going to be doing for the next month,............................... school. But June has a happier out look of things to-do, in June my parents are going on a scouting trip to Peru, also to talk to Uncle Bud & Aunt Laura about what we have learned in class. And what happens to seven kids from a 1 1/2 year old to a fifteen year old while our parents our gone for ten days to another country? Well staying with Uncle Greg & Aunt Holly, with their kids on a 35 acre farm. Sounds wonderful to me (and is totally happening)! And it also happens that me, Johanna, & Rachel are writing a book and have been needing to get together to work out all the problems. So yay for uncles and aunts that have kids your age and watch you. And love the fact you have six younger brother and sisters to watch on top of there own. :D