So I have not been very good at writing blog posts every week at all, have I?!!!! (Nope!! ;))
So what has kept me so busy that I haven't been writing blog posts like I wanted to?
Well......... Every Sunday evening we have perspectives. And this Sunday is the second to last Sunday of class. *HUGE WHOOP*
And last Saturday we went to the Houston zoo with some of our perspectives group, it was a all day ordeal getting up at 6:30 so we could catch the megabus to Houston and getting back to San Antonio at nine-thirty, and bed at ten. It was a LONG day with six kids under thirteen on a bus for three hours at a time, not counting walking around the Houston zoo with them all.
I've been trying to make friends. (Which I'm still not very good at.) It's hard trying to be friends to kids who are to scared of coming out of what they know is home, and I haven't got a idea of how to relate. But I did meet a young woman in perspectives class, her name is Omi. Fun loving, VERY young at heart, and always finding jobs with kids (for the fun and the money). I think she is going to become a very close friend, (thank you Lord) I think she is going to become a very close friend, (thank you Lord) in case you can't tell I don't make close friends well, it's hard for me to come out and then when I do kids can't relate at all to me because I was rise, and live on a farm for eight years if my life, so many kids have never seen a goat, much less milked it. (Which I did for about two and a half years.)