So 2012, it seems you came yesterday and now your saying good bye, my how the year has flown by. It is a bit blurry because of how much we have done. Let's see shall we?
We started finishing packing, Mom got over just having a baby. We cried as we got rid of all our animals, we cried some more as friends came over and helped us finish packing, we cried as we look at our back yard with no animals and our home for eight years (the home that half my brothers and sisters had ever known), home cleaned and boxed up. Then moving three and a half to four hours away to San Antonio to live in apartments, that are 75% refugees and have about ten different tongues spoken around here. (Shock!!) Then school was out for the summer and we got a lot of time in with the kids here. We had a ton of laughs and jokes with them (good memories), the newness wore off, it became too hot so no kids wanted to come out to play, and we played alone a lot. Summer seemed to last FOREVER. We took a trip to Houston and cleaned the house some more while crying some more at everything missing and such. School started up and by then Jonathan and Emily were a year older. In September, Richard, Daddy, and my older brother, Zach, turned a year older. Oh and my other older brother, Seth, got married, and one of my nephews, Bryce, turned one (yes, I'm an aunt!). We took another trip to Houston visiting friends in the first part of November, we came home sick (we had great friends that shared their sickness with us ;-). For Thanksgiving we were invited to share Thanksgiving dinner with family from Iglesia de Puerta de Restauracion and a couple of days later we celebrated Rosie's first birthday. In December Justin had his fourth birthday and we took a trip to Houston for Christmas on the 23rd-27th. Now it's the last day of the month in this year. As I'm writing this I realize I forgot to write half of the writing and book reading I did, all the school and a ton of little things that I just forgot about because of how much of a blur this year has been.
Before I forget everything I'm thinking, I will say bye to this year thanking God for all the friends (many older and younger than me, I have this thing that I never find a friend the same age as me), for letting me start really growing up (taking more off Mom's shoulders), I have grown spiritually, not in height (still only 5'1" :p ), I have watched my brothers and sisters more this year than any other time of my life, I am learning to become a better friend (to the few people that are my real friends), I have stayed up too much and should have gone to bed more, eaten too much sweets (holidays), not gone out side half as much as I wanted, I need to read some more, do more school and read the Bible much, much more. In other words, I have changed from being part of a young woman to much more of a full young woman.
I have work to do now and my Aunt just came over so now I have somethings to do.
~ Joannah
P.S. Here are some pictures from last year.
Sick again.
So every one got sick and I took good care I them and I didn't get sick and now every one is well and I'm sick. I guess god wanted mom well so that I could get sick and leave the house dragging.
Long time no see
So I haven't written in a long time but we have been sick. (Not me.) But I have been taking care of my family that was sick, like my mom. And being the oldest child and daughter at home I have been taking mom's spot in making all the meals and keeping peace and every thing else mom always does for us kids. We are getting out of the sickness now but all of us have been taking turns this week laying down and feeling bad. :P So........ I'm all tired and thinking about taking a nap and drinking a lot of coffee to day. (If only my mom and dad would let me.) And I thought I would be nice to you bloggers by taking some time and making my lame blog's look a little better than the madding way they look now................................
(Another thought.)
The only reason I thought I would try to use wordpress again was because this site,, said that it was the highest rated blog and you can look at the states your self and the second and third cost money and the fourth place was to the blog I use all of the time till now. But the only sad thing is I can't even figure out how to edit it sept by changing the template and I don't want to change it every time, Any one want to tell me how to do it?
Any way, I'm to tired to write in any thing else bye love you and God bless!
So I went to write a email to a friend
Yeah I went to write a friend and got really carried away and wrote my next blog post and here it is:
Hey, long time no talking! ;) I guess some of my readers know that I almost got rid of all my blogs. And that includes this one. I guess I had a couple friends that talked me out of it. HOPEFULLY THEY WILL BE READING THIS AND know that I'm happy they talked me out of deleting them.
So how has your week been? Mine had been filled with school and today my Dad is driving a bus for a school field trip. FUN, if we could only go with him some times. :/ He's gone a lot with little jobs, (like mowing, and taking care of yards) because the school doesn't pay enough. So he's always getting field trips. But I can say that its fun to hear the kids around here go, "Hi, Mr. Bus Driver,' or "Hey Mr. Z." and he calls them by name. They might think they are in trouble or if they're younger they start talking to him and telling him about school or something like that. He got really moved once when we had some of the kids inside our home and we were getting rid of clothes for one reason or another, most of it was Suzie's, and the girls here were her size. Mom gave them some of the clothes and shoes. The next day one of the little girls as she getting on the bus turned to my Dad pointing to the shoes said, "Your mother gave these to me." When he told us he was getting tears in his eyes that that one little act of love had made the little girl's day. I love my Dad and Mom. I hope every one will just stop their day and tell their parents how happy they are that they raised you the way they did.
Love you all my readers,
~ Joannah Zimmerman
(Or just Jo.)
Back to normal
So it is Monday and were all back to school, dad just got home from driving one of the buses that comes to our Apt. And he will be going back at 2pm. Any way I have school to do today. So bye. :D
So I worked on the blog
Yah if your look at this blog your seeing that I made some changes, and one of those is that I made a page for my novel so if you look at it you will see what I have written so far. So how were y'll's THANKSGIVING'S? Mine was great!!! I really had like two Thanksgivings, one on Thanksgiving day and the day after. The day after was family Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day was with our Spanish church. Tell me how y'll's went!!!!!! This Monday we are getting back in to routine, with school, and dad back to driving the bus and all the kids coming around at normal times, like 3pm!! So here are my some of my things that I'm thankful for: I'm thankful that I have a family that loves me so much, I'm thankful for all the friends that I have, and for all the people God has brought into my life to bring my close her to him, and that God sent his son to die for me, and that we are called to share all his love with thousands of other people.
Were all sick
Yeh were all sick!! Anyway were all tired and I'm on Nano writing day seven and so far I have words 1264.
Here is some of what I wrote so far!!!
I am Leah. Right now I am in a foreign prison cell. And because I have no idea if tomorrow the people holding me will, kill me, or they will leave me in here to die out of sickness and starvation, or my friends will force them to free me. And because tomorrow I might be dead I chose to write my life.......... If any one will get it from here. So for now let me tell you what brought me here and how I grow up....... In a family of ten children and both parents............ On a farm in America.
Chapter one
About me and how I grow up.
I never asked where I was born, and my parents never told me. We live a little way from a little town in south, west Texas, with three acres of lands goats and chickens galore. Me and my five brothers and five sisters, and cores mom and dad. I was the second to oldest and the first girl. My dads name was Walter Thompson and he had white blonde hair (partly from how much time he spends in the sun, blue eyes and freckled arms and face, and mom was Heather Thompson, my happy plump mother with red hair, green eyes, and skin lightly tanned. As to brothers and sisters, well going from oldest to youngest, there was Ira who was three years older than me. Me, then after five years Esther, then every two years a part is Shawn, Rebecca, Joshua, Silva, Michael, then the twins Esmeralda the older by a half hour, and last but not least was Edmond
As I said we had lots of animals. I loved Sally, our horse the best. (And yes, I forgot to mechon our only horse, named Sally.) As to friends I really didn’t have those, because like in our family I did not fit in, because I looked not a thing like our parents, they had red and blonde hair I had rat colored brown hair and it would not grow any longer than my shoulders, they had blue and green eyes I had dark chocolate colored eyes, and as for skin mine was a five shades darker than moms but it wasn’t a tan it was my skin with out tanning. My brothers and sisters all looked like dad and mom. Ira had strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes and freckled skin. Esther or Est as she gets called a lot looked just like momma with red hair, green eyes and lightly tanned skin. Shawn had a very freckled face, blonde hair with orange highlights all in it, and a set of bright blue eyes. Becky as Rebecca got called by little ones all the time, looked Irish with momma’s red hair, and green eyes and papas freckled skin. Josh as Joshua got called by all his guy friends, looked like dad, blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckled covered skin. Sil had blonde hair that the sun was turning white like daddy’s, and eyes and skin just like momma. Mickael or Mick as he really rather be called looked like momma red hair, green eyes, and skin that tanned nicely. Esmeralda looked like dad, but Ed or Edmond the youngest of the family had red hair with the oddest white blonde highlights ever, from being out in the sun with dad so much, blue eyes and skin that at times would tan and at others get freckles, most of the time he got more freckles from where the sun would kiss his skin. As a little girl I remember father wanting all his kids to being able to defended them selfs, so when Ira was six he went to a fighting school for two years every other day to learn fighting skill, and father reminded him every time he got home that it was for defense, and to help those who can not defend them selfs. I had a close bond built with him during that time I would count how many push ups or how many runs and how long they were. And he in turn would help me do half of what he did I, I was in good shape all ready but he got me even better so when it was my turn to go at six I was ready for all they put me thro for those two years. Dad said to keep in shape you had to keep up what keeps you in shape so dad had us keep up runs an what ever else they had us doing. Along with keeping up with what we did for good defense shape, we did our animal chores and dad had us do our defense on each other so we could remember what to do and such.
On my tenth birthday a lot of things happened one was that I turned ten on the second of October, then momma found out she was pregnant with Joshua and that he would be born around the middle of summer next year. Right after lunch mom told us that she was pregnant. Then after a good dinner of texan BBQ chicken, potato salad, and ranch doritos dad didn't tell us that it was making him have heart burn, or that his left arm was hurting from how much he had used it out side that day. He was walking to moms and his room saying something about getting a good night of rest when he staggered and fell to the floor he had never done that with out a reason. Every one that saw rushed to him and called others. We had to get him to the hospital. When we finally had him there the doctors said that he had had a strong heart attack. Because a valve in the heart was not working right and now we had to help him get back in shape . We didn't think it could get any worse, us kids (me and Ira mostly) had to do our chores which was most of them. And Dads chores were not so much that many but they were heavy, Esther and our new little helper Shawn could do some of mine while me and Ira could do the rest of ours and dads. But I can say a couple good things did come out of the heart attack. One was that me and Ira were becoming better friends and getting along better too. After we had gotten out of the defence school we had drifted apart. For some reason we had just stopped running to gether and had stopped watch each other get better. Now when we were doing to chores we talked more and found out more of our likes and dislikes. In other words we started knowing each other better than we had in a long time. And because mom wanted to help and be with dad all the time, me and Est found how to cook a lot better but she was the better of the two of us. And Ira and me found how to keep a quiet house with out always having a movies playing, and doing things like mom and dad would. Now all of us were in shape, after all we were doing our chores and running when we had free hands or empty buckets. We did flips, push ups, mile runs in a set time and anything else that we had done we taught the younger once.
Here is some of what I wrote so far!!!
A Secret Kept Too Long
By Jayn Zimmer
Why I am doing this:
I am Leah. Right now I am in a foreign prison cell. And because I have no idea if tomorrow the people holding me will, kill me, or they will leave me in here to die out of sickness and starvation, or my friends will force them to free me. And because tomorrow I might be dead I chose to write my life.......... If any one will get it from here. So for now let me tell you what brought me here and how I grow up....... In a family of ten children and both parents............ On a farm in America.
Chapter one
About me and how I grow up.
I never asked where I was born, and my parents never told me. We live a little way from a little town in south, west Texas, with three acres of lands goats and chickens galore. Me and my five brothers and five sisters, and cores mom and dad. I was the second to oldest and the first girl. My dads name was Walter Thompson and he had white blonde hair (partly from how much time he spends in the sun, blue eyes and freckled arms and face, and mom was Heather Thompson, my happy plump mother with red hair, green eyes, and skin lightly tanned. As to brothers and sisters, well going from oldest to youngest, there was Ira who was three years older than me. Me, then after five years Esther, then every two years a part is Shawn, Rebecca, Joshua, Silva, Michael, then the twins Esmeralda the older by a half hour, and last but not least was Edmond
As I said we had lots of animals. I loved Sally, our horse the best. (And yes, I forgot to mechon our only horse, named Sally.) As to friends I really didn’t have those, because like in our family I did not fit in, because I looked not a thing like our parents, they had red and blonde hair I had rat colored brown hair and it would not grow any longer than my shoulders, they had blue and green eyes I had dark chocolate colored eyes, and as for skin mine was a five shades darker than moms but it wasn’t a tan it was my skin with out tanning. My brothers and sisters all looked like dad and mom. Ira had strawberry blonde hair, hazel eyes and freckled skin. Esther or Est as she gets called a lot looked just like momma with red hair, green eyes and lightly tanned skin. Shawn had a very freckled face, blonde hair with orange highlights all in it, and a set of bright blue eyes. Becky as Rebecca got called by little ones all the time, looked Irish with momma’s red hair, and green eyes and papas freckled skin. Josh as Joshua got called by all his guy friends, looked like dad, blonde hair, blue eyes, and freckled covered skin. Sil had blonde hair that the sun was turning white like daddy’s, and eyes and skin just like momma. Mickael or Mick as he really rather be called looked like momma red hair, green eyes, and skin that tanned nicely. Esmeralda looked like dad, but Ed or Edmond the youngest of the family had red hair with the oddest white blonde highlights ever, from being out in the sun with dad so much, blue eyes and skin that at times would tan and at others get freckles, most of the time he got more freckles from where the sun would kiss his skin. As a little girl I remember father wanting all his kids to being able to defended them selfs, so when Ira was six he went to a fighting school for two years every other day to learn fighting skill, and father reminded him every time he got home that it was for defense, and to help those who can not defend them selfs. I had a close bond built with him during that time I would count how many push ups or how many runs and how long they were. And he in turn would help me do half of what he did I, I was in good shape all ready but he got me even better so when it was my turn to go at six I was ready for all they put me thro for those two years. Dad said to keep in shape you had to keep up what keeps you in shape so dad had us keep up runs an what ever else they had us doing. Along with keeping up with what we did for good defense shape, we did our animal chores and dad had us do our defense on each other so we could remember what to do and such.
On my tenth birthday a lot of things happened one was that I turned ten on the second of October, then momma found out she was pregnant with Joshua and that he would be born around the middle of summer next year. Right after lunch mom told us that she was pregnant. Then after a good dinner of texan BBQ chicken, potato salad, and ranch doritos dad didn't tell us that it was making him have heart burn, or that his left arm was hurting from how much he had used it out side that day. He was walking to moms and his room saying something about getting a good night of rest when he staggered and fell to the floor he had never done that with out a reason. Every one that saw rushed to him and called others. We had to get him to the hospital. When we finally had him there the doctors said that he had had a strong heart attack. Because a valve in the heart was not working right and now we had to help him get back in shape . We didn't think it could get any worse, us kids (me and Ira mostly) had to do our chores which was most of them. And Dads chores were not so much that many but they were heavy, Esther and our new little helper Shawn could do some of mine while me and Ira could do the rest of ours and dads. But I can say a couple good things did come out of the heart attack. One was that me and Ira were becoming better friends and getting along better too. After we had gotten out of the defence school we had drifted apart. For some reason we had just stopped running to gether and had stopped watch each other get better. Now when we were doing to chores we talked more and found out more of our likes and dislikes. In other words we started knowing each other better than we had in a long time. And because mom wanted to help and be with dad all the time, me and Est found how to cook a lot better but she was the better of the two of us. And Ira and me found how to keep a quiet house with out always having a movies playing, and doing things like mom and dad would. Now all of us were in shape, after all we were doing our chores and running when we had free hands or empty buckets. We did flips, push ups, mile runs in a set time and anything else that we had done we taught the younger once.
So were back from our trip to Houston. My Da and Mum and my brothers and sister are all tired. And were having a 24 hour bug going around the house. But me and my mom haven't had it. And to night me and her (Emily would have gone if she didn't have it right now.) are going to the first night of ESL. (English as a Second Language.) Any way I have school work to do, Nanowrome and anything else that I might have to do today.
Just got around to writing
Well I forgot to tell y'll all that on Thursday this week to Sunday we will be in Houston area. So if any one wants to invite us to speak, Thursday is all filled up but we have openings for the rest of the time to talk till 3:30 on Sunday when we have to leave. Leave a comment if you live in the Houston area, and would like us to share our dream to for Peru with you.
NaNo writers 2
So I was thinking about the book I am writing in the Nano writing month. and I thought I would share my ideas for it. I have two different ones to pick from, the first is (You have to under stand I am writing prologues, or things that everything else can be based on):
This is my home. (OR) My home is in the land of fire and ice. The land is covered in ice but the volcanoes provide a lot of fire. There are seven islands, with volcanoes on all of them. I lived on the biggest one, it has ten volcanos on it. We lived in the catacombs, and got good at working with the fiery mountains that we lived on. And very good at using fire and metal. The first thing I remember wanting to do was to be able to fight like my dad, I was close to my dad after all my mom had died when I was born so I was the only thing he had left, we had no family. Then the second thing was to wonder the islands, I would do that when I was much older (My dad hated me out of his site for more than a hour at most he had let me out for three hour that was all he could do.), third and I wanted to meet the dragons that roamed the outer islands the ones that had fewer volcanoes that we could not live on. He did teach me to fight like him, as soon as I could walk he gave me a dagger and taught me to handle it and swing it like a sword. And as I got older I could watch the men in the catacombs fight and learn how they win and lose so that it would never happen to me.
This is my home. (OR) My home is in the land of fire and ice. The land is covered in ice but the volcanoes provide a lot of fire. There are seven islands, with volcanoes on all of them. I lived on the biggest one, it has ten volcanos on it. We lived in the catacombs, and got good at working with the fiery mountains that we lived on. And very good at using fire and metal. The first thing I remember wanting to do was to be able to fight like my dad, I was close to my dad after all my mom had died when I was born so I was the only thing he had left, we had no family. Then the second thing was to wonder the islands, I would do that when I was much older (My dad hated me out of his site for more than a hour at most he had let me out for three hour that was all he could do.), third and I wanted to meet the dragons that roamed the outer islands the ones that had fewer volcanoes that we could not live on. He did teach me to fight like him, as soon as I could walk he gave me a dagger and taught me to handle it and swing it like a sword. And as I got older I could watch the men in the catacombs fight and learn how they win and lose so that it would never happen to me.
- Prologue: He raced through the woods. ‘Traitor!! Traitor!!’ Ran through his mind. “What.....have....I....DONE???” He SCREAMED. His name was Joseph, Joseph was a tall thin man, with flaming red hair and dark brown eyes and skin that looked like he had been every day of his life out in the sun. He had been one of the few young men that had been chosen by the king's right hand man to be trained to guard the king and his household he had been one of the best of them he had been set to guard the King’s only child, a young girl of 13, named Sylvia who had been small and sickly all her life. But someone had drugged him the first night on duty when he awoke a couple hours later she was gone out of shock he had ran into the night. He would find her no matter what happened he would take her back to her father one day. one day Chapter one: Two days later Princess Sylvia or Sidar as she was getting called now, lay on her back looking at the trees swaying over her. Then she heard the men coming back, not that they had all gone, no some of them had hidden in the trees nearby. It had been a very trying night because they had come into her room and told her that ‘Men were attacking the castle and they had sent men to get the King and Queen out of their but they were going to save her first.’ Now they had gone hunting leaving her to sleep with some guards around her so she could sleep in safety without anything hurting her. They also said that they would bring her news when they got back of her family when they came back. Now she heard them coming back she guested that there was 50 or more of the men around here her. What did they really want she wandered. She got up to meet them. She had started to take to the wild life of sleeping when you like and doing what you liked and always getting up early and eating meat and water. They walked in the glade dejected. “What’s wrong?” She asked. The leader came ford. “Your mother and father are dead. They were stabbed to death in their beds. We did not reach them in time, we checked your bedroom it was turned upside down, obviously they were looking for you..........Little one.” She stumbled back she had never been very close to her father and mother after all they had a kingdom to rule and she had to be taught how to do it when they were gone, but still they were her parents and they had just been murdered in their bed while they were asleep. She let her face fall into her hands and she cried. She didn’t know how much time went by before she heard ______’s voice of the captain of the men that had saved her. “Please little one, you have to eat to or you will starve.” “But I don’t feel like eating or living.” He smile knowing that is what’s she would say. “But what would your father do?” She had never been close to them but she still know what he would have said. “He would live for the Kingdom. But I have never meet the people.” His smiled widened. “You have meet them now.”
Leave a comment please so I know what y'll think of the ideas or were they could go.
NaNo Writer
So I am doing a Writing thing called Nano writer for the whole month of November. So you might not be hearing from me on here. So any one want to do it? You write for a month of November a make a 50,000 page novel. Sounds great right?! Here is the link to sine in to: Let me know if your doing it, Because you can fined people you know that are doing it on there. Talk later!!

It is TRUE you wont read a book very long if you don't like it.
Some new things coming.
So I have been thinking.... and since I am not good at making blog post's, so I am going to start writing things about my week every at lest ones a week. Note I am not going to put any of the kids around here's names. So if the names don't sound Asian or African, or just plain american it is because it is not there names.
So lets say that four are name less and the other three are, The tall girl Emma, the boy Richard, and the little girl is Suzie, some my little sisters and brothers.... I am the fourth of ten. :p
Well today, like yesterday and the day before a lot of little Asian girls just come into are Apt. And mom let them face pant today and the little girls wanted to pant my brothers and sisters instead of what they (My brothers and sisters.) thought. LOL! I got a pic of them and they all crowded into it. :) Were inside most of the day because of school. But then I do get out I ether walk with my little sister who is ten months old in a sling. Or I skate around the Apt buildings. So to day I got a nice surprise that some of the girls that I some times talk to, came up said 'Hi'. And a couple minutes later I saw them on a little hill that is in are back yard trying to get each other to do flips and other things up it and down it. And they asked me to do what they were doing. I have to say that other than doing the splits I don't really play, so do flips and other things up and down the hill. Other than that it is all I have to say.
Things I have been thinking about.
So I have been thinking about the people I want to touch so I made a list of questions I have about these counters. So here is the list:
2. What do southern indians look like?
3. What age do they get married at?
4. How do they live?
5. What is the food they eat every day?
6. What is there life like every day?
7. Do people know about the cast system?
8. What does a every day, day look like for them?
2. How do they live?
3. What is the food they eat every day?
4. What is there life like every day?
5. What does a every day, day look like for them?
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands onsick people, and they will get well.”
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
1. What do northren indians look like?2. What do southern indians look like?
3. What age do they get married at?
4. How do they live?
5. What is the food they eat every day?
6. What is there life like every day?
7. Do people know about the cast system?
8. What does a every day, day look like for them?
1. What do they look like?2. How do they live?
3. What is the food they eat every day?
4. What is there life like every day?
5. What does a every day, day look like for them?
1. What do they look like?
2. How do they live?
3. What is the food they eat every day?
4. What is there life like every day?
5. What does a every day, day look like for them?
3. What is the food they eat every day?
4. What is there life like every day?
5. What does a every day, day look like for them?
1. What do they look like?
2. How do they live?
3. What is the food they eat every day?
4. What is there life like every day?
5. What does a every day, day look like for them?
3. What is the food they eat every day?
4. What is there life like every day?
5. What does a every day, day look like for them?
I don't know the answer to most of these questions but in time I will and when I do, I will share them with you.
Talk later,
Luke 24:46-49
46 He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, 47 and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. 48 You are witnesses of these things. 49 I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.”
Mark 16:15-18
15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands onsick people, and they will get well.”
Mat 28:18-20
18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
Well I am here and busy!
Well my week is just a wreak and life is every busy with things. I don't know what to say I have been busy and other than that busy. :D
Well I need to go just going to tell you that I will be busyer than ever and that we start school on the 20th so busyer than now.
~ Joannah Zimmerman

Well I need to go just going to tell you that I will be busyer than ever and that we start school on the 20th so busyer than now.
~ Joannah Zimmerman
Were Do You Think Your Going?
Well I have been asked were do you want to go or were do you think God wants you to go as a midwife? Well I think I have been called to China or India. But I don't know. It has a third of the worlds people but it does not mean we send the most people there, nop. It has the most children that die every year and if we can go there and just show them how to live cleanly and help women have babys with out being killed because they did not know what to do. Think about it.
~ Joannah
To know more about what me and my family are doing in Peru, Visit:
Zimmerman's To Peru 2012
Some thing to think on
Me and my mother found this as some thing to think on.
Exo 9:16
16 And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.
Esther 4:14
who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Jer 1:5
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
So God picked us all before we were very born and chose what we would do for him. And he picked me and you to do what he chose before he made the world.
Exo 9:16
16 And in very deed for this cause have I raised thee up, for to shew in thee my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.
Esther 4:14
who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
Jer 1:5
5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
So God picked us all before we were very born and chose what we would do for him. And he picked me and you to do what he chose before he made the world.
~ Joannah
To know more about what me and my family are doing in Peru, Visit:
Zimmerman's To Peru 2012
A Video
Here is a GREAT Movie it is what started making and made me want to become a midwife.
There are heaps of promo videos for the BAS! All you have to do is go to the website and look at them. ( ) They're at the top of the web page. =) Enjoy!
There are heaps of promo videos for the BAS! All you have to do is go to the website and look at them. ( ) They're at the top of the web page. =) Enjoy!
~ Joannah
To Know more about what my family are doing in Peru, Visit:
Zimmerman's To Peru 2012
About Me and My Dream
Hello, my name is Joannah (Jo-âh-nâh), and I am 14 years old, the oldest daughter of 8 children. My family will be going down to Peru in a year, and plan on being there a minimum of a couple years. By that time, I will be around 17 or 18 years old when we come back to the states. When I am 18, I plan on going to YWAM in Perth, Down Under (Australia), to attend the BAS (Birth Attendant School). Here is a link to the school Sarah, the oldest daughter of the missionaries our family are going to help, and a friend that she went to BAS with, will be director/teachers of the school, until 2016. The school is 48 weeks long, with an outreach in third world countries providing basic health care, prenatal, birth and postnatal care. ____________________________________________________________ ___ I have always wanted to help people all my life. When I was 6 years old, I wanted to be a doctor and a vet, then after we started raising animals, just a vet. Then when Sarah came and visited us one year, she was sharing with some friends in our home. She showed a video about the training and outreach. While watching a video about the average day of a midwife, how they cared for babies, and pray for them. I felt God move in my heart, that He was placing a calling on my life to be a midwife. Not long after that, I tried to hid from being a midwife because seeing blood makes me squimish. One night in family devotions, dad was reading about Loren & Darlene Cunningham, founders of YWAM. In one of the chapers, Darlene talked about how she was hiding from God, and the calling He put on her life as a young girl. I was convicted about hiding too, and my dad "just happened" to say something to me about my calling. Now, I don't want to run any more, I know what I am called to be.
Soooo....... I am preparing now for what I can do to be ready at 17-18 for BAS. I am working to save money, studying, and talking to Sarah, so when it is time for me to go I will have a the knowledge, finances and friends to be successful in my calling. Will you join me? I am looking for a team now, who will pray, encourage and possibly support financially, so when I am ready to go, I will have the support base I need to complete the task.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you
~ Joannah
To know more about what my family is doing in Peru, visit:Zimmerman's To Peru 2012
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